The PayPal Wars and its Lessons for Today's Entrepreneurs
I was perusing Andrew Chen's bookshelf and came across The PayPal Wars by Eric M. Jackson. It turned out to be a riveting tail of the entire journey of PayPal, from its early conception to its monstrous success, retold by one of its earliest hires in marketing. It's a story I thought I knew, but there was so much more to it than the simple success story we all hear about.
I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on the five most important lessons I learned from their journey and my thoughts on their application to today's entrepreneurs.
Goodbye 2009 and Welcome 2010
It has been exactly a year since I started this blog, as it was one of my new year's resolutions for 2009. So how did I do? Well, I'd say it went as well as a typical new year's resolution: highly motivated at the beginning with great progress in the first half of the year, then the consistency started to lapse, with eventual abandonment towards the last quarter of the year. All told I authored 23 posts, which is almost 2 posts/month, though they heavily skewed towards the first half of the year.
Google App Engine Task Queues, Push vs. Pull Paradigm, and Web Hooks
Despite my post last week on the Shortcomings of Google App Engine and my decision to move away from it as a viable platform for upcoming projects, I have been impressed with the overall architecture and design of their experimental Task Queue API.
Google throughout its years has been a leader in interface design and that has been reflected not only in the UI of the products they have built, but the countless API interfaces they have published. Google has made available some of the most easy to use yet powerful API interfaces. A clear focus on leveraging open standards where possible has helped them along the way. Google App Engine is probably the strongest testament to this, allowing developers to quickly build web applications that scale to millions of users on an easy to use Python or Java runtime environment. Their latest experimental design for the Task Queue API in Google App Engine is no exception.
Google throughout its years has been a leader in interface design and that has been reflected not only in the UI of the products they have built, but the countless API interfaces they have published. Google has made available some of the most easy to use yet powerful API interfaces. A clear focus on leveraging open standards where possible has helped them along the way. Google App Engine is probably the strongest testament to this, allowing developers to quickly build web applications that scale to millions of users on an easy to use Python or Java runtime environment. Their latest experimental design for the Task Queue API in Google App Engine is no exception.
Shortcomings of Google App Engine
As many of you know, I have been a huge fan of Google App Engine. I love the vision and truly believe its the first real platform-as-a-service as opposed to the other dominant cloud platform Amazon AWS. While AWS has significantly moved the industry forward with on-demand virtualized instances and cloud storage, it has not developed a fully scalable runtime environment comparable to Google App Engine. Sure Google App Engine only supports a very restricted use case and set of technologies, but constraints can be liberating. If the scenario fits for your web app, the freedom to focus on your app and not on infrastructure and scaling is very compelling.
Thus far I've created a variety of small production apps on app engine, including this blog, TuneChimp, and MonkeySort. I am now in the process of embarking on a large project and have been planning on using Google App Engine for it. However, I have run into a variety of shortcomings in GAE that currently and for the foreseeable future seem insurmountable. It has led me to have to reconsider my platform choice for this project and at this point relying on Amazon AWS (or an alternative cloud platform) seems like the ideal option.
For those also considering building applications on top of Google App Engine, I wanted to discuss these shortcomings so that you can make an informed decision when making your own platform choice.
Thus far I've created a variety of small production apps on app engine, including this blog, TuneChimp, and MonkeySort. I am now in the process of embarking on a large project and have been planning on using Google App Engine for it. However, I have run into a variety of shortcomings in GAE that currently and for the foreseeable future seem insurmountable. It has led me to have to reconsider my platform choice for this project and at this point relying on Amazon AWS (or an alternative cloud platform) seems like the ideal option.
For those also considering building applications on top of Google App Engine, I wanted to discuss these shortcomings so that you can make an informed decision when making your own platform choice.
Clara Shih, The Facebook Era, and Business Opportunities on Facebook
Several months ago I had the opportunity to sit in on a guest lecture Clara Shih gave at the Stanford Seminar on People, Computers, and Design. Clara has spent the last several years at Salesforce leading their social networking product strategy as well as developed Faceconnector, the first business app on Facebook that made it easy to integrate Facebook profile data into Salesforce CRM tools. With this insight, Clara recently authored The Facebook Era, a look at how social networks have changed people's behaviors, expectations, and relationships, and the resulting business opportunities it has created.
After attending the seminar, I decided to read the book and wanted to share some of the key trends discussed and the business opportunities that arise from them.